
Analytics software will tell you what links people clicked, but not where exactly. With a click map (or heatmap) you can exactly see where people clicked.

It will reveal the things that are getting clicks, and sometimes elements that are not clickable, such as images.

You will also see which links get the most clicks. Most tools generate scroll maps as well, so you can see how far people scroll down on your page.

You could use different tools for this, such as CrazyEgg or ClickTale, but my favorite is Hotjar.

CRO Tip from:

Gijs Wierda

Gijs Wierda

CRO specialist

About Done&Tested

Each week I share a conversion rate optimization (CRO) tip or insight I love - or just blows my mind. Would you like to share a tip as well? Drop me an email here.

All tips are meant as inspiration and I recommend split-testing them; they might not work for your site' audience. Done&Tested is curated by Gijs Wierda, a freelance CRO specialist.

Gijs Wierda

Gijs Wierda