
The pain of losing is psychologically about twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining, known as the Loss Aversion principle.

When people win 100k they feel happy, but the emotional pain experienced when losing 100k is much stronger.

This technique is widely used in marketing by offering a free trial and eliminating access so it feels like a loss.

On your site, you can apply this principle in many ways. Many sites use it to frame a headline from a loss aversion point of view. Instead of saying “receive weekly updates” you could say “don’t miss any updates”, which implies people will lose something.

CRO Tip from:

Gijs Wierda

Gijs Wierda

CRO specialist

About Done&Tested

Each week I share a conversion rate optimization (CRO) tip or insight I love - or just blows my mind. Would you like to share a tip as well? Drop me an email here.

All tips are meant as inspiration and I recommend split-testing them; they might not work for your site' audience. Done&Tested is curated by Gijs Wierda, a freelance CRO specialist.

Gijs Wierda

Gijs Wierda