A great way to ruin your trust, empathy and authority is using cheesy stock photos. Research by MDG Advertising reveals that 67% of online shoppers rated high quality images as being very important to their purchase decision.

This is slightly more than “product specific information”, “long descriptions”, and “reviews & ratings”.

Using ‘real’ photos often gets better results than using cheesy stock photos. Try using real photos on your landing page instead of stock photos as a way to increase your conversions.

CRO Tip from:

Gijs Wierda

Gijs Wierda

CRO specialist

About Done&Tested

Each week I share a conversion rate optimization (CRO) tip or insight I love - or just blows my mind. Would you like to share a tip as well? Drop me an email here.

All tips are meant as inspiration and I recommend split-testing them; they might not work for your site' audience. Done&Tested is curated by Gijs Wierda, a freelance CRO specialist.

Gijs Wierda

Gijs Wierda